Christian Dragon Slayers

Christian Dragon Slayers

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hello, my name is Sandy and I am an officer in Christian Dragon Slayers (CDS) in Castle Age (CA). If you find yourself getting this link, then your membership in CDS is in jeopardy. As stated in the rules you have to participate and level up every month. Due to the lack of either one; you now find yourself at a crossroad. If perhaps you have forgotten, here is the CDS rule in the link below.
I am sending you this as a matter of curiosity, to remind you of your obligation to CDS and its rules. Please get in touch with Bruce the guild master (GM) before the end of this month. Greg will also be working in his stead at times. Let them know why you have not participated and why you have not leveled up, or you will be removed at the end of the month.
For a few of you, you may have more than one strike already.  You may have participated, yet have not leveled up in over 2 months. Again if you do not remember the rules, click on the link above and review them again.
Thank you, and God Bless,
Sandy Moore

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